Friday 23 August 2013

Hannah - Beauty

Making your eyes come alive is a real art, and as any good artist you will also have to work wonders with your brush and color by carefully blending them into creating some of the most gorgeous looking eyes. Deep-set eyes are breathtaking, because you can experiment with a lot of techniques.
Make-up can highlight your beauty only if it is applied carefully, and each stroke of your brush is a part of the final masterpiece. Applying makeup is a simple task, provided that you take your steps carefully and tactically. Here are some few steps on how to apply eye makeup in the simplest way.
1. Concealer: the most important thing is to prepare your eyes with a concealer so that you can cover up all the dark circles and discolorations under your eye. While applying your concealer, start with the inner corner where the skin is the darkest, and then slowly stroke your brush towards the outer edge. Never rub the concealer, but always pat it with your finger.
2. Eye base: applying an eye base to the lid of your eyes can keep your eyeshadow for hours. This is like a primer for your eyes and without it your eyeshadow will become greasy at the end of the day.
3. Eyeliner: you could use dark eyeshadows as a replacement for eyeliner. Take a brush and slightly wet it at the tip and dip it in a dark eyeshadow.
Now, line your eyes as close to the upper lash. You can follow this up with the liner on bottom eyes. Try to line from the middle to the outward. Now, smudge the bottom line either with a Q-tip or with your finger. Do not make any prominent lines because you need to give it a natural smoky look.
4. Eyeshadow: it is always best to use a three toned shadow, especially when you are beginning. You should allow each eyeshadow to blend with each other to bring out the gorgeous look. Start with the light color on your lid and sweep it till your browbone. Follow this up with the medium color and then apply the darker color around the crease. Blend all well.
5. Eyebrows: take a light shade eyeshadow preferably brown and apply it on your eyebrows from the interior to the outward. Now blend this with your finger so that it might look natural.
6. Mascara: Mascara can truly brighten up your lashes which you can wiggle back and forth. If you do not have heavy eyelashes, try to use heavy mascara that can create a very thick eyelash affect.
With these six steps you are sure to get ready for that glamorous look that you might have ever wished for. An evening event always calls for gorgeous looking eyes and with these steps you can definitely attain the desired look.

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