Thursday 25 July 2013

Full Barbie Lashes

It's important that you know how to prepare your hair for your wedding day, so that you can feel confident and less pressured.
With there being such a lot to prepare for your wedding day, you might forget how important it is to prepare your hair well in advance.
This would be a disastrous mistake if you want to look just perfect on your big day.
While most brides dream of how their perfect dress will look, they may not realize that whilst your hairstyle won't cost anywhere near the price of your dress it is of equal importance!
How can this be so?

Well consider this question... What will be the first thing your guests see when you make your entrance?
Why it's your hair! Not your dress!

If they don't look at your face first, how will they be able to identify you? So your wedding hair must compliment your dress, and be equally stunning. Otherwise it could take away a lot of the dresses value. And you don't want to do that!
So now you know that choosing a good wedding hairdresser is equally, if not more essential than getting your dress right. And preparation is vital in advance of your wedding day.
So here's how to prepare your hair for wedding day...
If you've decided that you want to grow your hair for your wedding, you need to take appropriate care of your hair. And that means having healthy hair. Imagine arriving on your wedding day with split ends, and dull hair! It needs to be cut every couple of months to keep in shape, and stay repaired.
Don't procrastinate about changing your look. If you decide you want a different tone, or to change the style completely. Make sure you do it well in advance. Why? Well what if you don't like it! You'll need time for a change.
Lot's of brides choose highlights, as they can look stunning. If that's what you're thinking about then do it at least a couple of weeks before your wedding day. The color needs time to settle in, and the tone is developing for a couple of days.
During the period up until your wedding day you need to step up your hair care a gear. When preparing your hair, only use the best products for your individual hair type. It's very wise to apply hydration masks every week. Avocado is good, as is banana, honey, and if you use almond oil you will see a tremendous improvement in your hair's appearance.
Ask your wedding hairdresser what they would advise you do to prepare your hair so that you can look perfect on your wedding day.

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